Sometimes When
Across the road from where I live there’s a local High School. It’s a school attended by smart kids. Kids with high IQ’s and equally high EQ’s. It’s playing fields run adjacent to my street and when the students are in class or finished for the day, it’s quiet, green and has tennis courts and big open playing fields. It’s landscaping is honest and practical, it’s a pretty No-Mess Charlie kind of school. I like that about it.
Sometimes when I catch myself gazing out across it’s playing fields I’m reminded that the playing fields of my youth were similar multiplied by 100 (I kid you not, they were and still are! My old High School hasn’t resorted to selling off it’s lower fields to Property Developers and it’s grounds are the same as they were almost 31 years ago), large wide open spaces.
They still have huge Track & Field, Athletics Meetings on them and have extended their curriculum to include Archery and all other manner of sports. I’m very proud to be an old CHBC girl. See
And sometimes when I’m thinking about those wide open spaces I come back to our School Motto “Achieve With Honour”. Honour is such an old fashion word in todays context. Back then it described a status achieved through a culmination of trustworthy endeavour and service.
Can we still use the same meaning today? And achieving? Do we still attribute the same criteria to how we understand a person’s success and can we say that’s the same as a valid contribution. I wonder.