51 Reasons to Celebrate (i)
Three days ago I turned 51 years old. One supposes one is meant to feel OLD but I don’t. The ideas in my head are fresh and burst like peas out of the pod that is my grey matter as one old teacher used to describe the brain. So I’ve decided to share with you 51 of my favourite POL Penneylaneonline.com mindStyle thoughts.
1. KNOW your best life is not a destination, rather it’s all the people that you feel grateful are part of it – today, tomorrow and for all of the next days
2. Develop character that lasts
3. Stray into the wilderness of your intuition. There, you may also discover a best life
4. Learn to hear what isn’t being said
5. Shed the skin on mental limitations. Grow yourself both deep and wide so a best life is made possible on many different levels
6. Accept courage as a gift in the face of our greatest challenges
7. Have the ‘grace’ to applaud someone else’s good fortune
8. Find your own voice and be true to how that should sound
9. Stop to admire the view on the road to your best life
10. Find out what you care about and live a life that shows it
11. Jump in puddles
12. Have quiet moments of frankness with yourself
13. Actively seeking ways to offer a hand up rather than a hand out
14. Practise intentional acts of generosity wanting nothing in return
15. Love all of you not just the bits that others tell you they like
16. Live your best life masterfully
17. Punch above your weight
18. Plug away at a best life and never allow anyone to choke your dream.
19. Be careful where you stop to enquire for directions along the road to your BEST life.
20. Not following anyone who’s not going anywhere.
21. Recognise and remind yourself of your unique potential and contributions in your family, among your friends and in your community.
22. Add words like lovely, delight, charming, enchanting and magical to your business vocab. Then stand back and watch them enter your business world!
23. Engage in some intellectual shadow boxing. It keeps the mind agile.
24. Leave in the glitches to a best life, they make it real!
25. Close the deal on how you’ll allow others to tell you how you perceive yourself. Your move.
Call this my painting the town pink. They say when you get to that ‘O’ stage in one’s life it takes a second go to actually paint the town RED like you used to! But that’s not why I’m making this a two-stage blog. Actually, I want you to think about some of the things I’ve written, reflect on them in ways that speak into your life usefully and they DO have to be useful otherwise what’s the point!
Join me for the final 26 mindStyle thoughts, part (ii) of my Reasons to Celebrate my 51st birthday. I figure as long as I’m manufacturing pearls we might as well get down and gritty.