51 Reasons to Celebrate (ii)
Four days ago I turned 51 years old. One supposes one is meant to feel OLD but I don’t. The ideas in my head are fresh and burst like bubbles making a swift exit out of the bubble-blower that is my brain. So here I am sharing with you the final 26 thoughts making up the 51 of my favourite POL Penneylaneonline.com Fan Club mindStyle thoughts.
26. Contemplate no limits on what’s possible for living your best life.
27. Your best life is reflected in the strength of your relationships and the depth of your care and concern for others.
28. Take the time to be actively still
29. Share your best life wins with family and friends
30. Back yourself
31. Allow your best life to push your reset button once in every while
32. On reflection whether you’d have taken your own advice to a friend
33. Understand architectural structures within yourself like your values
34. Always be ready to live your best life possibilities
35. Realise that your best life might just be found in an unattended moment
36. Know the difference between a life that matters and what makes life matter
37. Rarely allow yesterday to use up too much of today
38. Dream in colour
39. Know that progress has little to do with speed and more to do with direction
40. Powerful dreams inspire powerful actions
41. Dance lightly with life
42. Wave goodbye to your regrets from the moving bus that is your best life
43. Consider how to think
44. Unshackle your best life dreams, live them
45. Be wise for yourself not just your friends
46. Ask yourself, what does my name mean then live into it
47. Find the open door in a best life
48. Allow reflection to wash as a tide up the beach of your mind
49. Guard a gentle disposition, many would like to steal it
50. Make daisy chains and think about this wonderful circle of a best life; and finally
51. LIVE your best life whenever you can and because you want to!
There! It’s taken two days BUT finally I’ve managed to paint the town RED!