Monday, February 17, 2025

Paper the World

March 4, 2011 by  
Filed under mindStyle

“Is dedicated to spreading simple origami of models that focus on endangered animal species. Primarily it is to educate and teach children how to make origami animal figures so that they can enjoy the art and creativity of folding paper and making beautiful things from such common material.

Origami is the Japanese art of paperfolding. “Ori” is the Japanese word for folding and “kami” is the Japanese word for paper. That is how origami got its name. However, origami did not start in Japan. It’s generally accepted among scholars and artists that origami began approximately in the first century AD in China, where people discovered the simple thrill of folding paper into various shapes and forms.

Many of these primitive methods survived to this day as basic origami shapes and moves. As the skill of making paper moved across the Eastern world the art became quite popular in Japan where it melded with the culture and religion at the time. Soon the Shinto religion integrated various origami shapes and creations in their ceremonies where they remain until this day.

For centuries there were no written directions for folding origami models. The directions were taught to each generation and then handed down to the next. This form of art became part of the cultural heritage of the Japanese people. One major challenge for ancient origami was that the techniques and designs were all oral; passed on through the mother to the daughter much like the oral traditions in other parts of the world.

While this was mostly due to illiteracy on the part of the majority of the people, it was also because of the methods and creations involved, many families treasured their skill with paper and didn’t want outsiders to steal their creations. As a result, many techniques were lost over time as word of mouth proved insufficient to keeping these secrets alive.

Paper the World
Paper the World also encourage people to send their models to Governmental, Community leaders as a powerful message of love and concern about the welfare of the animal planet and the need to safeguard earth’s precious natural resources. Several years ago, the Thai Government dropped an estimated one hundred million paper origami birds in an unusual peace bid.

The paper birds were dropped from planes over the country’s Muslim south after a surge of violence in the area. Ordinary Thais across the nation had folded and written peace messages on the paper cranes in a campaign devised by Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Some of the world’s finest origami Masters have contributed their outstanding imagination to create origami models for their website that are specifically designed for children of all ages, both big and small. Some of my favourites include: Eric Joisel, Bernie Peyton, Himanshu Agrawal, Giang Dinh and Robert J Lang.

Some of these models are challenging. It is their intention to include diagrams and videos of each animal model to help people to fold and ultimately enjoy the experience. The models aren’t simple, origami isn’t simple. But with practice and a little help, successful folding will happen.

Origami by its very nature is a sharing activity. Hundreds of Origami Clubs all over the globe bring together thousands of participants who share their creations, skills and imagination with each other. They invite us to join in their world of giving, sharing and community spirit.”

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