Christina Xu: The Importance of Being Awesome
Christina Xu is a trustee of the Awesome Foundation founded in Boston by 10 friends. Now with chapters worldwide, the independent, self-funded Foundation awards $1,000 grants monthly to small projects they deem ‘awesome’.
TEDx was created in the spirit of TED’s mission, ‘ideas worth spreading’. The programme is designed to give communities, organisations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local level. TEDx events are fully planned and co-ordinated independently, on a community-by-community basis.
ABOUT Christina Xu
“Christina grew up on the internet, which is how she ended up co-founding ROFLCon with Tim Hwang. When she’s not booking flights for internet celebrities or scheming to insert Goatse into every piece of ROFLSchwag.
She works at the Centre for Future Civic Media at MIT, where she helps community groups fight the Man with technology. She also enjoys rollerblading, eating her body weight, and playing raucous global booty-shaking music on WMBR’s Global Frequency.
Christina is currently working for Breadpig where she cooks up new product ideas, implements outlandish projects, and finds new partners to help make the world suck less.
She’s starting the Institute on Higher Awesome Studies, serves as a trustee on the Boston Awesome Foundation and would probably want to know if you’d like some fries with that awesome? She loves scheming up the next ROFLCon and making music as part of Anigif.”