Alan Moore – The Trilemma of Our Current Age
Alan Moore is a Creative Destructionist. He is a noted expert on disruption particularly in a non-linear world. “His thesis that humanity got off track and derailed during the industrial revolution is a refreshing big picture explanation to our jaded everyday complacency. It’s explains how we lost ourselves among autocratic agendas, economies-of-scale and hyper-capitalism.”
TEDx was created in the spirit of TED’s mission, ‘ideas worth spreading’. The programme is designed to give communities, organisations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local level.
ABOUT Alan Moore
“Alan is the author of several books including: ‘Communities Dominate Brands: Business and Marketing Challenges for the 21st Century’. Among other plaudits ‘Communities Dominate Brands’ has been described as prescient, that is, having or showing knowledge of events before they take place.
Alan is recognised as a great distiller of complex arguments into their most salient points, who can take concepts from many sources and find the previously hidden relationship between them. He has a firm grasp of the changes that are reshaping our world.
With his insight on the interlocking trends of; media, culture, communication and commerce, Alan enables companies to develop winning strategies for how businesses and organisations can succeed in the early 21st Century. Don’t expect the path to be easy or linear, the whole point is that structure as we knew it is dead.”
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