Thursday, January 16, 2025

Greg Tehven: The Unlearning Curve

August 9, 2012 by  
Filed under VidStyle

Ten days into his college career, Greg Tehven launched a vision with three friends to change the world. That vision led to the creation of Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) an organisation dedicated to improving the lives of people and communities. In this talk he suggest we unlearn some things.


TEDx was created in the spirit of TED’s mission, ‘ideas worth spreading’. The programme is designed to give communities, organisations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local level.

ABOUT Greg Tehven

“By his own description Greg Tehven is a Risk Taker. Believer. Do Gooder. Go Giver. North Dakotan. Traveller. Ten days into his College career, Greg Tehven launched a vision with three friends to change the world.

That vision led to the creation of Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) and has since sent out 304 Pay It Forward Tours with 12000 participants performing a collective 170000 hours of community service.

STFL won the first ever Minnesota Social Entrepreneurship Cup in 2008 and was listed in TIME Magazine as the #2 way to Serve America. Greg serves on the Wisdom Council for, and on the board of both and Metro Youth Partnership of Fargo-Moorhead. His personal mission statement is simple: To challenge, inspire and encourage young people to live a life of excellence.”


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