Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Peter Kennedy: What you do is more important than what you believe

October 3, 2012 by  
Filed under VidStyle

When Catholic priest Father Peter Kennedy was ordered to leave St Mary’s Church in Bris­bane accused of unortho­dox practices, he and his flock began an extra­or­di­nary jour­ney in exile.


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ABOUT Father Peter Kennedy

“Father Peter Kennedy, a past navy, hos­pi­tal and prison Chap­lain then a parish priest, has been described by Peter Nor­den of the Mel­bourne Law School as, “a very com­pas­sion­ate man, com­mit­ted to his priestly min­istry, cre­ative in his pas­toral responses, and engag­ing in his manner”.

After more than twenty years at St Mary’s South Brisbane, Peter and the faith com­mu­nity were expelled; dis­pos­sessed of their prop­erty and facil­i­ties. In this place they exer­cised a min­istry of care and sup­port for the poor and the needy. Their offence was to exer­cise a min­istry of inclu­sion and welcome.

Peter’s con­cern for the issues of jus­tice and human rights within this broader view of min­istry, beyond the purely rit­u­al­is­tic or strictly sacra­men­tal, has been expressed by his cre­ative responses to the needs of an authen­tic con­tem­po­rary Chris­t­ian min­istry. These ways have healed and rec­on­ciled whilst con­tin­u­ing his cre­ative min­istry of wel­come and inclusion.”



1. Website

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