Monday, January 13, 2025

Ronny Edry: Israel and Iran: A love story?

January 5, 2013 by  
Filed under VidStyle

When war between Israel and Iran seemed imminent, Israeli graphic designer Ronny Edry shared a poster on Facebook of himself and his daughter with a bold message: “Iranians … we [heart] you.” Other Israelis quickly created their own posters with the same message and Iranians responded in kind. The simple act of communication inspired surprising Facebook communities like ‘Israel loves Iran’, ‘Iran loves Israel’ and even ‘Palestine loves Israel’.


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ABOUT Ron Edry

ron_edry “Ronny Edry is a Graphic Designer, Teacher, Father and frequent Facebook updater. While he often posted images on the site without much fanfare, in March of 2012 one of his images garnered international attention.

The image showed himself and his daughter, along with the words “Iranians, we will never bomb your country. We heart you.” The image became a catalyst for dialogue between the people of two nations on the brink of war.

He grew up in Paris, France, and has lived in Israel since 1989. He teaches Visual Communication at Shenkar College of Engineering and Design and is the author of several graphic novels. He is also the owner and founder of “Pushpin,” a prep school for art and design.

“It is not possible to dial an Iranian number from an Israeli telephone. It will simply not go through. That lack of communication stems from the Government level, where there is no dialogue between the two countries aside from public speeches meant to carry weighty threats of war to each camp. That is why it was so difficult for Ronny Edry, an Israeli graphic designer based in Tel Aviv, to get his message across to the people of Iran.”



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