Sunday, December 29, 2024

Afra Raymond: The Three Sides of Corruption

January 13, 2013 by  
Filed under VidStyle

Afra Raymond is an anti-corruption activist/blogger whose work has focused on the collapse and bailout of the Caribbean’s largest conglomerate CL Financial and corruption in the property/construction arenas.


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ABOUT Afra Raymond

afra_raymond“Afra Raymond holds a BSc in Land Administration and Valuation from the University of East London and qualified as a Chartered Surveyor in 1993.

His specialisations are: Project Management, Housing Development and Planning & Development; his professional publications include “Make Quality Part of the Test: Towards a Housing Quality Index’ and ‘Risk Is Something You Can’t Gamble On.’

Afra joined the partnership in 1995 as an Associate and became a partner in 1996, he is now its Managing Director. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Trinidad Building and Loan Association; and a part-time Lecturer for final year (B.Sc. Programme) in Land Economics at the School of Surveying, U.W.I, St. Augustine.

He has served on a number of Boards in various positions including Executive Member of the Federation of Black Housing Organizations (FBHO) in London, Director of EPL Properties Limited (EPL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Eastern Credit Union (ECU) and Immediate Past-President of the Institute of Surveyors of Trinidad & Tobago (ISTT). Afra is also a member of the Trinidad and Tobago Transparency Institute.

Corruption is defined as “the abuse of a position of trust for the benefit of yourself.” We have been miseducated about it.

He was elected President of the Joint Consultative Council for the Construction Industry (JCC) in December 2010. The JCC is an umbrella group comprising –

Trinidad & Tobago Contractors’ Association, Trinidad & Tobago Institute of Architects, Association of Professional Engineers of Trinidad & Tobago, Institute of Surveyors of Trinidad & Tobago, Board of Architecture of Trinidad & Tobago and Trinidad & Tobago Society of Planners. JCC is leading the campaign for reform of the Public Procurement system in Trinidad & Tobago.”


1. Website: Alaveteli

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