Friday, December 27, 2024

Jeni Cross: Three Myths of Behaviour Change

March 16, 2013 by  
Filed under VidStyle

Jeni Cross is a Sociology Professor at Colorado State University. She has spoken about Community Development and sustainability to audiences across the country, from business leaders and government officials to community activists. In this talk, she discusses her work around changing behaviours.


TEDx was created in the spirit of TED’s mission, ‘ideas worth spreading’. The programme is designed to give communities, organisations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local level.

ABOUT Jeni Cross

jeni_cross “Dr Jennifer Cross’ research interests include community attachment/sense of place, land use and conservation, sustainability, inter-agency collaboration, social networks, and social norms.

Her research in the areas of programme outcomes, inter-agency collaboration, and social norms marketing has been published in a variety of scientific journals.

Dr. Cross is a community sociologist who regularly works with public schools and community agencies on a variety of community-based participatory research projects centred on health promotion and community development.

Her other current projects include research on land conservation decision making, energy conservation and sustainability in public schools, and behaviour change campaigns among college students.

She has provided evaluation and research technical assistance to grantees in the Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative funded by the United States Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, and Justice.


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