Chris Loker: Creating Sustainable Finance
Chris Loker says we have Transaction and Savings Accounts, Retirement monies, Unit Trusts but how many of us question where that money goes? How many of us interrogate the institutions that are custodians of our money, find out what they invest in, what they’re propagating, what they are allowing to happen with our money.
Tim Noakes: Challenging Beliefs
Tim Noakes has been able to show that the science of hydration is utterly bogus. There is no science to it. It was dreamed up by marketers to sell product. He is the co-founder and Executive Director of the Sports Science Institute of SA, an author, respected academic and A1 rated scientist. His message? You can […]
Kelita Haverland: The Weaker I Get The Stronger I Become
Kelita Haverland’s beautiful voice, personal story and deep compassion help ‘free’ others from suppressed pain. Her strength and courage to ‘sing and tell’ is apparent in this incredibly inspiring and powerful message. A message well worth sharing.
Andrew Lee: You’re Missing Something. It’s Good For You
What do tiger mothers, startups, and games have in common? In a humorous and informative talk about scarcity, entrepreneur Andrew Lee describes how each circumstance gives rise to creativity and how we can re-create the same in our own lives.
Alex Feldman: Primal Talk, The Secret Language of Human Connection
Physical comedian Alex Feldman shares a few minutes of his unique act and then dissects the “primal talk” that makes it work. Primal talk is a pre-linguistic form of communication—the foundation for humor, love and other important social bonds.