Ignorance is Ignorance
I had occasion recently to advise a small business that they didn’t own their Intellectual Property and followed up my claims with a presentation of detailed
Putting the Boot In
At the top of the year I brought a brand new pair of gumboots (wellingtons, wellies, top boot or rubber boot to you Brits) which really isn’t such a big
Puzzling Mechanics
Ever fancy yourself as an ace puzzler. Do you like mechanical puzzles? The oldest known mechanical puzzle comes from Greece and appeared in the
Webhost Hottie
Nothing makes me madder than being treated like an idiot when clearly I am NOT! Have you ever been treated like that by customer service people? I’m not
Completing the Swann Song
Yesterday we began our New Zealand Swann song, the story of the swanndri and today we finish this writer’s retelling of that wonderful story. It’s believed that