Driving Miss Oopsie Daisy
According to Maori legend Maui had magical powers. One day when he was very young, Maui hid in the bottom of his brothers’ boat so he could go out
As High as a Kite
Following on from our human High Flyers I wanted to look at one of my other fascinations, kites. Kites date back to as far as 3000 years, where they were made from
High Flyers
You know the scene, when stuffy ol’ Mr Banks finally gets fired from the Bank he goes where any woe begone Banker would go because it’s the only place nobody gives a darn who you are and
Russian Jack
“Years ago swaggers were a common sight on the roads of Wairarapa. Men of all ages, all sizes and nearly all races, walked the dusty roads with all their worldly possessions tied in a swag held over their shoulder, usually balanced with a stick. Originally they were
Bootcamp with Rosemary
I happen to like Chef Rosemary Shrager alot because she’s such a no-mess charlie in the kitchen, very sargeant major-like but with a heart of gold. I’m a self-confessed