Sixdays Old Graffiti
Continuing on from yesterday’s blog and highlighting some thoughts from the article written by Peter McLennan in 1998 called ‘Bombing Shelter – Graffiti Art in Aotearoa’ (Pavement Magazine) we’re able to read views expressed by graffiti artists and make a note of the efforts of community agencies to minimise the effects of widespread graffiti.
Fivedays Old Graffiti
In the wash up today I’d just like to add a few further thoughts to the previous writings by adding that in the context of the previous writings and thoughts, graffiti in the form of spray can art is art.
Fourdays Old Graffiti
Depending on your frame of reference, unsolicited graffiti is a crime. It is in my opinion, in the context of intentional defacement to someone else’s property. There’s no two ways about it. Over the past few days I’ve been attempting to offer a perspective you might not be familiar with and at the same time […]
Threedays Old Graffiti
I’ve laboured the point of this graffiti explanation because it’s such an explosive topic with far reaching effects. After reading
Twoday Old Graffiti
Graffiti wars have been raging at many levels for many years. It’s a real hot potato in and out of the community/political arenas. This tug-of-war makes rational minded people lose all sense of