No Head Shots
I always feel envious of beer drinkers at this time of the year. They make beer drinking look so positively palatial! Sitting beside my cousin Hamish at a family gathering recently I managed to snaffle the label off the beer he was drinking because the label made me
High Fidelity
Even after eight years I still love the Steve Frears directed ‘High Fidelity’ (2000) movie. I watched it again recently and I have to say, Cusack (like that most favourite of mine, Mark Harmon) is just so easy on the eye, watching is like eating home baked Madeira cake, too delicious for words!
Sky Rockets in Flight
Continuing to light up our entrance into 2009 let’s look at some of the most common firework effects. I think I could probably name many of those that hit our night skies now. Writing this blog entry has been so enlightening! “One of the most common firework effects is the Peony a spherical break of […]
Lighting Up our World
In 1789, George Washington’s inauguration was also accompanied by a fireworks display. This early fascination with their noise and colour continues today. In 2004, Disneyland in Anaheim, California, pioneered the commercial use of aerial fireworks launched with compressed air rather than gunpowder. The display shell explodes in the air using an electronic timer. The advantages […]
Feista of Lights
There’s something magical about watching fireworks, the way it lights up the night skies. I love watching the faces of the young who become entranced time after time with each exploding bundle of colour. The look on their faces is priceless, it runs the entire