The Christmas Truce
No matter where you go in New Zealand at this time of year, you will hear it being sung, you will sing it out loud in a Mall, on the street, beside complete strangers and neither of you will be embarrassed. You’ll hear it sung as muzak in elevators, it will make you smile, why? […]
Ye olde N.Z. Christmas Cards and Tree
Christmas is many things to many people. To many New Zealanders at home and abroad it’s epitomised by a tree. Not just any old tree mind you, no, I’m talking about “the pohutukawa tree (Metrosideros excelsa) with its crimson flower. This iconic Kiwi Christmas tree is often featured on
Winds of Time
Some say, running to something is often easier than running away from a thing but I’m having a hard time fathoming it actually. My head is full of questions and my heart has
Gossip Girl
I rarely read gossip column magazines so when I do it’s usually in my Doctor’s surgery or in a Medical Centre waiting room where someone else has
In the Spirit of Everyman
The ‘spirit’ of a thing, to me, is AS important AS the ‘thing itself. Wide notion yes? Apologies in advance. I’m hopelessly pragmatic about things like this. Let’s take an everyday example of what I’m saying. For throwaways sake, let’s say you