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“From the earliest days of mental health legislation in New Zealand, around 1880, there has been a view that there are occasions when people with mental disorder (however that might be defined) would need treatment without their consent. However, the ‘proper’ extent of the use of detention and compulsory treatment remains controversial.”
Katherine Raue is a fellow blogwriter, she is a friend. Currently, she is in my opinion being ‘improperly detained’ in Rangipapa, an inpatient service that caters mainly for the needs of women in treatment programmes aimed at rehabilitation.
Tags: ‘improperly detained’ in Rangipapa, advocacy, because summing up is a meaningless procedure, blogwriter, Clinical Reports, clinician, comicStyle, direct observations, evaluate a person, extreme conviction, Featured Content, firm, Gail Penney, Ideas worth spreading, It is more correct to say that the whole is something else than the sum of its parts, Kate Raue, Katherine Raue, Koffka, lifeStyle, main blog, mental disorder, mindStyle matters, Model Citizen: A Piece of Kate, over-valued idea, penneylane, standard of normality, Ted Talk, Tidal Model, turnStyle, value system, VidStyle, whereas the whole-part relationship is meaningful, whole-part relationship,
Katherine Raue is a fellow blogwriter, her website Transparency in New Zealand (TiNZ) is a pandora’s box of “serious allegations coupled with indisputable evidence of serious and systemic incompetence and
Tags: allegations, Athenian politician Cleon, basis for interdisciplinary mental health care, blogwriter, Capital & Coast DHB, comicStyle, corruption, Egypt's democratic revolution, evidence, Featured Content, Gail Penney, Greek Aristophanes, Hosni Mubarak, Ideas worth spreading, impudence, Kate Raue, Katherine Raue, lifeStyle, main blog, mental health recovery model, mental health services, mid-range theory of nursing, mindStyle matters, New Zealand Police, penneylane, penneylaneonline, philosophical approach, Rangipapa, reclaim their personal story, recognised internationally, recovery-focused model, systemic incompetence, Systems that take the Kate, Ted Talk, The Tidal Model, TiNZ, Transparency in New Zealand, turnStyle, VidStyle,
A Heke woman has a way about how she stands inside herself, I know this. Among our immediate own, it’s upright without lording it over one another. It’s strong without being
Tags: comicStyle, Gail Penney, Haami Moeke, Haami Moeke QSM, Heke Family Central Hawke's Bay, Heke Women, Irihapeti Tarawa Heke, lifeStyle, main blog, mindStyle matters, Onga Onga, penneylane, penneylaneonline, turnStyle,
When they buried our friend Haami Moeke Snr QSM, it was entirely fitting that he should be taken to his final resting place in his aging diesel van. We friends, Juliet and I stood next to each other watching as the pallbearers carried him between a garland of fierce young warriors performing the haka.
Tags: Baden Batt, Baden Batt's Marae, carving tutors, comicStyle, Gail Penney, Haami Moeke Snr QSM, John Hadfield, kaupapa, Kohupatiki Marae, lifeStyle, main blog, Māori world-view or cosmology, Matahiwi Marae, Matua, Matua: Tippy Haeres of a Principal Carver, mindStyle matters, mokopuna (grandchildren), Napier, penneylane, penneylaneonline, Taradale, Te Poho o Tangiianui Marae, tikanga Maori, tikanga whakaairo, traditional Māori ways, turnStyle, waka,
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