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It was an ambivalent day, the day of my great grandmother Moewaka Jane Rapana’s unveiling, ambivalent how? Well, neither the day nor the weather could agree who was going to have first say about how events would pan out and eventually we left them to argue between themselves like siblings in a childhood dust up.
Tags: Alfred Buckland, ancestors, ancient, antipodeans, Aotea, Araw, archaeological, area, artist, Australia, author, bay, behave, beloved, blog, blog writer, boat, canoe, Central hawkes Bay, chief, childhood, children, close, coastline, Colin Mccahon, comicStyle, commemorate, cooked, cultural protocol, day, deck, district, effort, element, Environment, events, exchange, far north, favourable, fernroot, fwll, gate, glad, golden heart, grandmother, great, green, greetings, hand in hand, happy, Hastings New Zealand, Hawke's Bay, heart, hura kohatu, instructions, Jason Frazer, Kahumatamomoe, Kai-para, Kaipara Peninsula, karakia, karanga, kaumatua, kiss, kiwi, kiwiStyle, Kupe, land, landscape, lashing, lifeStyle, living, lush, male Elder, maori, maori call, maori lady, marae, Matahaorua, mindStyle, Moewaka Jane Rapana, morning, mortal, nephew, New Zealand, new zealanders, North Cape, nose, oy, paddocks, pan, para, pasifka, passage, past, pathway, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, place, polynesian, pontifications, populous, Poutu, powhiri, rain, rained, reat grandmother, receive, reflections, reminder, resting place, rich resource, Round One, rreason, sailed, say, school outing, sea, see, sheep, Shelly Beach, shoes, shore, shores, siblings, silver hair, sleeping, soft, south Head, south kaipara, starts, summons, talk, Tamati Waruhau, tangata whenua, Taramainuku, tears, The Three kings, the Unveiling, thoughts, travelled, tribute, true, Turi, turnStyle,, urapa, urupa, views, voices, waionui inlet, Waipukurau, walk, walk in teh park, walked, weather, welcome ceremony, wharenui, wharf, where mindStyle matters, wild, wind, won, writer, writing, writings
Food like music is a universal language. It speaks and people understand. Our taste sense is enlivened by it and it brings people together in ways that seem less contrived. People relax when they share food together. It’s that time now for us as we
The first time I exchanged a memorable hongi was with a very distinguished Maori gentleman at the Wellington Art Gallery (during a private showing of a Goldie exhibition). He looked uncomfortable standing in a line-up top heavy with
Tags: adulthood, albatross, antipodeans, approach, arm, attention, author, awheto, beautiful, black, blog, blog writer, body colour, bone, boy. lean, Breath of Life, burnt, burnt timbers, carved, Central hawkes Bay, chief, childhood, chisels, comicStyle, complete, constitued, direct, distinguised, Ena Te Papatahi, English, exchange, exchanged, exhibition, eyelid, eyes, face, face colour, face markings, fat, flutter, front, gallery protocol, gentleman, gesture, glide, Goldie, great love, grooves, hafted, handle, hands, Haranui Marae, Hastings New Zealand, Hawke's Bay, high ranking, hoha, hongi, hooked, hugged, integral, Jason Frazer, kauri gum, kiss, kiwi, kiwiStyle, lifeStyle, lower, main gallery, mallet, manuhuri, maori, maori men, maori politician, men, mindStyle, mixed, moko, moko specialists, moved, movement, New Zealand, new zealanders, nga puhi tribe, ngarehu, offered, oko, old, old friend, old man, painting, paintings, parliamentarians, pasifka, Patara Te Tuhi, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, people of teh land, permanent body markings, person, persons, physical greeting, pigments, Pipi Haere Huka, pohiri, polynesian, pontifications, powhiri, pre European, pressed noses, private showing, prominent, punctured, range, records, reflections, rites, rituals, sacred act, seamless, shadow, silver, skin, smooth surface, social status, soot, space, stroke the face, surroundingd, ta moko, Tamehana, tangata whenua, tatau, tattoo, thoughts, Tohunga ta moko, turnStyle,, uhi, understand, views, visitors, Waipukurau, Wellington Art gallery, Wharekauri Tahuna, where mindStyle matters, wife, woman prisoner of war, women, wondered, writer, writing, writings
P.D. Eastman wrote the classic Children’s Book ‘Are You My Mother?’ the story of a baby bird that has hatched while his mother was away. Fallen from his nest, he sets out to look for her and asks everyone he meets — including a dog, a cow, and a
Tags: antipodeans, Are you My Mother, asks, author, baby bird, blog, blog entry, blog writer, building, Central hawkes Bay, children's book, Classic, collectors, comicStyle, cow, diving off, dof, dovetail, exploring, family, family members, feet, formal greetings, future, genealogical backbone, genealogies, genealogy, gifting, gratitude, guide, hand down, Hastings New Zealand, hatched, Hawke's Bay, high, hikoi, human stories, information, Jason Frazer, kiwi, kiwiStyle, koha, layer, lifeStyle, long journey, manner, maori, mihi, mindStyle, Moewaka Jane Rapana, monetary, mythological, nest, New Zealand, new zealanders, offered, oral traditions, oratory, P.D. Eastman, pasifka, past, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, people, picture, places, plane, pohiri, points, polynesian, pontifications, powhiri, present, presentation, questions, reflections, research, reveal, Ruth, search, song, sotry, speaker, spiritual, stories. different, teaching, The wind beneath my feet, thought, thoughts, towrds, traditional act, Tripping, true, turnStyle,, value, versions, views, waiata, Waipukurau, welcoming ceremony, whakapapa, where mindStyle matters, wind, writer, writing, writings
One of the loveliest stories told during the mihi and whaikororeo was by Aunty June about Nama’s Pond’s Cream. The story of Ponds “began when Theron T. Pond, a pharmacist from Utica New York, introduced ‘Pond’s Golden Treasure’ in 1846, a witch-hazel based
Tags: 1846, accounts, admire, antics, antipodeans, appetite, author, beautiful, beauty icon, belly, blemishes, blog, blog writer, blotches, brand, canvas, Central hawkes Bay, children, chimney, chuckle, comicStyle, complexions, crowded, dark, deep, dining room, dinner, endorsements, evolution, face, feeding, food, generous, good, Harry potter, Hastings New Zealand, Hawke's Bay, heart, heart-shaped, heke, heritage, homestead, Jason Frazer, juice, kaumatua, keep sakes, kind, kitchen, kiwi, kiwiStyle, laughed, leaves, lifeStyle, lipsmacking good, lotion, maori, memory, mihi, mindStyle, N.O. Cruciferae, Nama, Nasturtium officinale, New York, New Zealand, new zealanders, nonsense, open watercourses, ovate, paddocks, pasifka, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, perennial, person, pharmacist, pinnatifid leaves, polynesian, pond's cold cream, Pond's cream, pond's extract, Pond's golden treasure, pond's vanishing cream, pontifications, pork bones, reflections, remember, salad, sge beautifully, shiny, silver hair, skin, skin deep, smooth, society beauties, spots, springs, stories, strong, teach, terminal, thankful, Theron. T. pond, thoughts, turnStyle,, Uitca, upright, vanish the thought, views, Waipukurau, warmth, watercress, whaikororeo, whare kai, where mindStyle matters, white flowers, window, Winter, witch-hazel based, wonder product, writer, writing, writings, youthful
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