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On my first day at Primary School I was chosen for the Infants Choir, I was five years old but I remember it as if it was yesterday. My teacher was Jean Millett who taught Primer 1 at Terrace School in my home town of Waipukurau in Central Hawkes Bay. I credit her (along with
Tags: act, air, antipodeans, Aotearoa, author, bellbird, bestow, blog, blog writer, broad application, bush, carefree, Central hawkes Bay, central hawkes bay college, childhood, children, comicStyle, content, coral sands, core, different, ear, elders, eloquent, esteem, evoke, face, female, flax basket, folksong, forest, formal greetings, generations, genres, glade, gold, Hastings New Zealand, Hawke's Bay, hear, heart, hills, home, homeland, host, human voice, Infants choir, Jason Frazer, join, joy, kete, kiwi, kiwiStyle, kowhai tree, lake, land, languages, lifeStyle, Long white Cliud, lovely, mana, maori, mihi, mindStyle, mouintain tops, mountain, mud, music, native tongue, New Zealand, new zealanders, ocean, panes, pasifka, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, pine, plains, polynesian, pontifications, Primary School, range, rata, reason, reflections, ring, ritual, roam, shore, sing, singers, singing, song, speaker, speech, sun, support, Te Here Tangata, teacher, Terrace School, thoughts, tips, touch, traditional, trout, tui, turnStyle,, understanding, views, visitor, Waiata of the Heart, Waipukurau, water, whaikororeo, where mindStyle matters, wind, windowsills, world class, writer, writing, writings
No shoes are worn in the wharenui and what a person does or does not wear on their feet will tell you something about them. Like my daughter Amiria, who opted for one pink and one striped ankle sock. She’s quirky for sure!
Tags: alternating, antipodeans, author, beautiful, blog, blog writer, Central hawkes Bay, comicStyle, cosmetic, cry, darn socks, daughter, determine, dignified, elderly people, elders, fact, feet, formal, formal greetings, fortunate, funny, Haranui, Hastings New Zealand, Hawke's Bay, holes, host, Jason Frazer, kaumatua, kawa, kindness, kiwi, kiwiStyle, ko te whaikororeo, laugh, lifeStyle, literacy, maori, marae, mathing pair, Mede, memory, men, mihi, mindStyle, mother, nature, New Zealand, new zealanders, nga puhi, opted, oral culture, order, paeke, palm, pasifka, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, person, phase, physical presence, pohiri, polynesian, pontifications, powhiri, quirky, reflections, rell, shoes, Sock it to 'em, speaker, take shoes off, te kai a te Rangitira, thoughts, tribal boundaries, tribal meeting place, tribal protocol, tu atu tu mai, turnStyle,, views, visitor, Waipukurau, wear, whaikororeo, wharenui, where mindStyle matters, writer, writing, writings
We are like a human tuna (or eel, in English) that snakes its way back down from the front of the wharenui along the right-hand side to where the tangata whenua greet us with a kiss and hug or with a hongi (the traditional Maori greeting featuring the pressing together of noses). I’m reminded of […]
Tags: ailao afi, ancestors, antipodeans, applied, author, blog, blog writer, book, bookshelf, celebration, Central hawkes Bay, child, christianity, Classic, comicStyle, composed, contingency, creek, dance, dancing, different, doorway, ear, eel, English, established, eye, formal speeches, golden glow, greet, greetings, Hastings New Zealand, hau, Hawke's Bay, heart, heart warming, hongi, hosts, hug, human, interpreted, involved, Jason Frazer, karakia, kie, kiss, kiwi, kiwiStyle, lifeStyle, lighten, line, maori, maori culture, maori greeting, maori tohunga, Mede, mihi, mind, mindStyle, modern sense, mouth, music, Nama, New Zealand, new zealanders, o, oal communication, occasion, paper streamer, pareu, pasifka, pate, Patricia Grace, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, Pieces in the Puzzle, piu piu, poi, polynesian, pontifications, preiests, present day, pressing of noses, realm, reflections, reminded, Robyn Kahukiwa, room, safe arrival, shoes, snake, specific, story, superior, tangata whenua, thanks, thoughts, traditional, tuna, turnStyle,, ula, views, visit, Waipukurau, watching, watercress tuna and the children of champion street, welcome, whaikororeo, wharenui, where mindStyle matters, wonderful, words, world, writer, writing, writings
We waited expectantly at the gate entrance to Haranui Marae. We must wait until the call of the karanga is heard (this is the ceremonial call of welcome performed only by the women). Hearing the karanga indicates to us that we are free to approach our hosts across
Tags: ancestors, ancestral spirits, ancestral tears, antipodeans, approach, Arka, author, bearing, blog, blog writer, body, call, called, captured, Central hawkes Bay, ceremonial, ceremonial call, chant, child-bearing, comicStyle, completed, deep calls to deep, elegant, entrance, eyes, family, foam, free, front, gate, great grandmother, Haranui Marae, Hastings New Zealand, Hawke's Bay, head, hosts, Hullo, Jason Frazer, karanga, karange, kaumatua, kiwi, kiwiStyle, kuia, lament, lifeStyle, long house, male elders, manhuri, maori, marae atea, mattresses, meet, meeting house, mindStyle, Moewaka Jane Rapana, mokopuna, mona-lisa like, Nama, New Zealand, new zealanders, occasion, pancakes, partake, pasifka, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, people of the land, performed, photographer, pohiri, polynesian, pontifications, powhiri, present, puna roimata, rain, reflections, right place, right time, sacred space, shed tears, silent, soft, spirit, spiritual pathway, stop, Tamati Waruhau, tangata whenua, thoughts, Tommy, turnStyle,, uniqueness, upright, views, visitors, Waipukurau, waited, warm, welcome, welcoming ceremony, wharenui, where mindStyle matters, whisper, women, wooden, writer, writing, writings
As Woody from Toy Story would say, to Haranui and Beyond! As we head out of Auckland to Haranui Marae the afternoon had that strange ‘four seasons in one day’ feel about it. The skyline has ominous storm clouds rolling in at a great rate of knots but the afternoon sun had a warm and […]
Tags: afternoon, agricultural, ancestral, antipodeans, Auckland, author, blog, blog writer, brightness, Central hawkes Bay, cities, clouds, coastline, comicStyle, compass, contrast, dairy, deer, elements, farming community, farmland, feel, forested, four seasons, four seasons in one day, Haranui And Beyond, Haranui Marae, Hastings New Zealand, Hawke's Bay, hear, Helensville, Jason Frazer, joy, Kaipara Harbour, kindergarten, kiwi, kiwiStyle, knots, lifeStyle, maori, marae, Massey North, Massey West, mindStyle, New Zealand, new zealanders, Northshore, northwest Auckland, Pacific Highway, paddle, paddocks, Parakai, Parramatta Road, pasifka, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, polynesian, pontifications, quirk, rainbow, rate, reflections, reminder, road sign, rolling, rural, sheep, skyline, smile, southern hemisphere, stay, storm, strange, strong, sun, thoughts, Toy Story, traffic, turnStyle,, views, village, visit, volumes, Waipukurau, Waitakere anges, warm, water, weekend, West Coast Beaches, where mindStyle matters, wondered, Woody, writer, writing, writings
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