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Each of us has a story, infact my story is not your story and herstory is not history and that’s what makes this world so interesting. Whether we say we are or not, each of us is a global citizen, always have been.
Tags: afro-american, afternoon tea, American Politics, annals, antipodeans, Auckland, author, Barak Obama, big, blog, blog writer, can, Central hawkes Bay, Change, comicStyle, countyside, deal, do, dynamic, early adopter, essence, extreme, family, freeway, global citizen, Greenlane exit auckland, Haranui Marae, Hastings New Zealand, Hawke's Bay, Herstory History, home, indicate, inside, interesting, internet, Jason Frazer, kiwi, kiwiStyle, lane, late adopter, lifeStyle, maori, mindStyle, move, New Zealand, new zealanders, off ramp, on ramp, pasifka, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, polynesian, pontifications, president elect, quiet, ramps, Rangiriri, reflections, Rest Bay, roadshow, same page, see, smart, story, Sydney, thoughts, three lane highway, traffic, turn of events, turnStyle,, United States of America, views, Waipukurau, whanau, where mindStyle matters, widen, wonder, wonderous, world, World Politics, world wide web, writer, writing, writings
As we hit the Expressway outside of Huntly and travel passed Ohinewai, a shift occurs, subtle to begin with but just enough to cue me into small changes that are taking place. Approaching Rangiriri it would be easy to just keep travelling at pace and remain oblivious to the surrounds but I know there’s a
Tags: A Jewel in the Crown, adapt, animals, antipodeans, Auckland, Auckland City, author, battle site, blog, blog writer, bog, bonnet, brand, British Redoubt, building, Central hawkes Bay, changes, classified, comicStyle, constructed, country town, crow, cue, expressway, fens, finish line, flies, freshwater wetlands, Hastings New Zealand, Hawke's Bay, horizin, horses, Huntly, Jason Frazer, kiwi, kiwiStyle, Lake Kopuera, lifeStyle, maori, Melbourne Cup, mindStyle, National Wetlands Centre, New Zealand, new zealanders, nutrient content, nutrients, Ohinewai, oldest, pa, pace, pasifka, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, permanent, plants, polynesian, pontifications, position, prizes, rainfall, rainwater, Rangiriri, Rangiriri Hotel, rear vision mirror, reflections, Romeo Bragato, Rongopai Historical Winery, Rongopai Wines, seasonal, shift, site, small, stones, stop, subtle, swamp, swamps, Talbot Street, Te Kauwhata, Te Wheoro, thoughts, travel, turnStyle,, unque, views, viticultural research station, Waipukurau, water supply, wet conditions, wetland, where mindStyle matters, wine, writer, writing, writings
The mechanical horses beneath the bonnet of our car seemed to be straining at the bit, they wanted to gallop to the bottom of the Bombay Hills. I gave them reign. With the window wound down again I felt the wind on my face and I was reminded of
Tags: 2-beat movement, 4-beat movement, adopted, anguilla dieffencachii, antipodeans, appreciate, australasian bittern, author, banded rail, Birds, bit, black mudfish, blog, blog writer, Bombay Hills, bonnet, botaurus poiciloptilus, bowdleria punctata vealeae, canter, car, catchments, Central hawkes Bay, comfortable, comicStyle, educative, endemic long finned eels, face, feeling, fish species, flats, flood control, fly, gait, gallop, game birds, globally, go, grey gelding, Hastings New Zealand, Hauraki Plains, Hawke's Bay, heels, home, horse power, importance, international, Jason Frazer, kiwi, kiwiStyle, Kopuatai Peat Dome, lifeStyle, maori, marsh crake, mechanical horses, mid-air, mind, mindStyle, mineralised swamps, neochanna diversus, New Zealand, new zealanders, North Island fernbird, pace, pasifka, pass, peat dome, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, physical features, Piako, polynesian, pontifications, porzana pusilla affinis, powerful, protected, protection, provide, rallus philpensis assimillis, Ramsar status, reflections, reign, remind, response, restiad peat bog, retirement, riders, roking motion, saddle, sense, showjumper, small areas, springs, State Highway 1, storage, teenager, term, thoughts, trot, turnStyle,, unbridled, unique, unprotected, views, Waipukurau, Waitoa, weight, Wet and Wild, wetlands, where mindStyle matters, wind, window, writer, writing, writings
Driving through Taupiri it would be easy to think there’s nothing special about this little place but you’d be wrong. Taupiri is the sacred mountain of the Waikato people. It is remembered in the tribal saying:
Tags: alive, alluvial plain, antipodeans, arrival, Auckland-Hamilton highway, author, Battle Rangiriri, being, blog, blog writer, bushclad, Central hawkes Bay, chiefs, cloud of witnesses, comicStyle, Dame Te Atairangikahu, debate, district, european, European settlers, fitting, Hamilton, Hastings New Zealand, Hawke's Bay, hills, Human Documents, Jason Frazer, King Country, king movement, kingship, kiwi, kiwiStyle, legs, lifeStyle, maori, maori authority, maori kings, maori Queen, maori settlement, maori tribes, map, march, mindStyle, named, New Zealand, new zealanders, North Island, North Island Main trunk, offered, pasifka, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, people, place, polynesian, pontifications, Potatau I, Potatau Te Wherowhero, promote, railway, reflections, reign, Rohe Potae, sacred mountain, safety, sales of land, south island, special, stories, stretch, Taranaki, Taupiri, Tawhiao, Te Kingitanga, thoughts, tribal sayings, turnStyle,, views, waikato ancestors, Waikato chief, waikato people, waikato war, Waipukurau, where mindStyle matters, writer, writing, writings
Further on from Hamilton is Cambridge, a charming country town. You’ll find some of New Zealand’s best fences in this neck of the woods because this is horse country, racehorse country! But there’s so much more to it. I think this is a playground for the
Tags: Add new tag, air, antipodeans, author, blog, blog writer, boat, built, Cambridge, camjet, canoe races, Central hawkes Bay, characteristics, charming, cheers, comicStyle, country, crew, different, experienced, fences, figure of speech, forms, good, good yarns, great chief, green twig, Hamilton, hant, hapu, Hastings New Zealand, Hawke's Bay, he piko he taniwha, historical fatcs, horse, House Boat Escape, iwi, Jason Frazer, journey, kai-hautau, kai-tuki, kaitiaki, Karapiro Cruiser, kayak, kiwi, kiwiStyle, lake cruising, lament, lifeStyle, local, maori, maori mythology, maori view, mind, mindStyle, modern 50 foot catamaran, Moewaka, monuments, name, natural environment, New Zealand, new zealanders, Ngati Paoa tribe, paddle, paddle strokes, pasifka, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, people, playground, polynesian, pontifications, pontoon boat, protectors, proverb, quality air, racehorse, rear vision, reflections, respect, rhythmic measure, river cruising, Riverside Park, sub tribes, supernatural creatures, symbol, taonga, Te Haupa, tell, The Boatshed Cafe, thoughts, time-song, Timeless Taniwha, toil, town, treasure, tribal traditions, tribes, tui-waka, turnStyle,, views, waikato region, waikato taniwha rau, Waipukurau, waka, where mindStyle matters, window, withdrawn now is the dragon from his lair, woods, writer, writing, writings
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