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When we bypassed Taupo to stop in Wairakei we also bypassed Lake Taupo so I wanted to retrace my footsteps since I feel it a worthwhile historical exercise just to tell you about it. “It is the largest lake by surface area in the country, it’s drained by the Waikato River, while its main tributaries […]
Tags: antipodeans, Arawa tribe, ash, author, Baekdu, barren basin, blog, blog writer, brown trout, caldera, Central hawkes Bay, central North island, chief tohunga, Chinese, collapse, comicStyle, country, dacitic lava, dormant, erupt, eruption, eruption column, extinct, Flipp'in Fireworks, footsteps, form, geological records, Hastings New Zealand, Hatepe eruption, Hawke's Bay, hina, historical, Horomatangi Reefs, Horomatangi vent, humans, Jason Frazer, kiwi, kiwiStyle, lake, lake taupo, largest, lava dome extrusion, lifeStyle, main, maori, maori legends, material, millenia, mindStyle, Mount Tauhara, Mt St Helens, New Zealand, new zealanders, Ngatiorangi, North Island, Oruanui eruption, outwash flood, overflow, pasifka, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, polynesian, pontifications, priest, rainbow trout, recorded history, reflections, region, resources, rhyolitic lava, roman, Rome, skies, sky, sunsets, surface, surrounding, Tambora, tauranga-taupo river, thoughts, Tianchi eruption, tongariro river, totara tree, tourism, tributaries, trout fishery, turnStyle,, underwater hydrothermal activity, uninhibited, views, volcanic, Volcanic Explosivity Index Rating, volcano, waikato river, Waipukurau, waitahanui river, water, where mindStyle matters, writer, writing, writings
Our first real stop toward the North was near Wairakei whereupon I met the green prepay petrol monsters that are BP Service stations (we were to meet a number of them along the way). You know I have this thing about customer service right, well this was so awful, why
Tags: advice, always, antipodeans, author, behaviour, better, blog, blog writer, BP Service Stations, business, Central hawkes Bay, Change, choice, comicStyle, common, computer, counter, court staff, courtesy, customer service evaluations, customers, dial, drive, fact, first, gas, Green Prepay Petrol Monsters, hand, Hastings New Zealand, Hawke's Bay, heat, human, ice block, Jason Frazer, kitchen, kiwi, kiwiStyle, Labour Day Weekend, lake views, lifeStyle, lowest, managed, manager, maori, mindStyle, minimise, money, New Zealand, new zealanders, notice, number, pasifka, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, petrol head, place, polynesian, pontifications, possible, process, Public Holday, rating, real, reflections, scratch, serve, service, service industry, Sheer, signage, smile, staff, stop, surface, tension, terminals. service providers, thermal, think, thoughts, travel, turnStyle,, views, Waipukurau, Wairakei, where mindStyle matters, woman, writer, writing, writings
In the beginning, driving between Napier and Taupo (on State Highway 5) is sort of like playing snakes and ladders. It requires alot of concentration due to the serpentine nature of the hills around Te Haroto particularly since
Tags: antipodeans, author, back, beginning, bitumen, BLERTA, blog, blog writer, born, Central hawkes Bay, chopper pilot, classical singer, clean, comicStyle, corner, descend, dirt, door, fantastic, feature film, film director, fire, floor, Geof Murphy, golden child, good, Hastings New Zealand, Hawke's Bay, head, heart, home, horse shoe, horseback, house, Human Documents, important, Jason Frazer, kiwi, kiwiStyle, lifeStyle, limbs, location, long drop, maori, maori speaking, memories, miles, mindStyle, Napier, New Zealand, new zealanders, parts, pasifka, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, person, place, polynesian, pontifications, read, reason, reflections, right, role, s, State Highway, State Highway 5, stories, strong, surface, Taupo, Te Haroto, Te Rangihau Gilbert, tea, thoughts, tree stumps, truth, tune, turnStyle,, understand, Utu, view, views, vivid, Waimarama, Waipukurau, way, where mindStyle matters, whistle, Winter, wood range, writer, writing, writings, years
Travelling up north again after all these years of being away my eyes feel fresh, eager to see and vociferously guzzle in the sights. I feel like I’ve been in a desert these past few years, the backside of it! I’m going to Haranui, to the marae of my great great grandmother Moewaka Jane, I’d […]
Tags: ancestor, ancestors, antipodeans, author, blog, blog writer, bottom, business, car, Central hawkes Bay, clean, cleaners, comicStyle, consumer, crease, creation, crisp, descending, describe, economic, Eskdale, european, eyes, family, fresh, front, future, genealogies, generations, grandparent, great grandmother, hand, Hastings New Zealand, haul, Hawke's Bay, human stories, instant, Jason Frazer, kiwi, kiwiStyle, layers, lifeStyle, line, lines, maori, meaning, mental processes, mindStyle, modern, modern practice, Moewaka Jane Rapana (nee Mitai), morning, mythological, New Zealand, new zealanders, north, offspring, pasifka, past, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, perspectives, picturesque, place, political, polynesian, pontifications, precise, present, pressed, puzzle, reflections, region, right, road trip, see, short term, sights, social, sprinkle, straight, Te Here Tangata, tension, term, The Rope of Mankind, thoughts, top, travel, trip, Tripping, tupuna, turnStyle,, uri, vehicle, views, vineyards, visualisation, Waipukurau, whakapapa, where mindStyle matters, world, writer, writing, writings, years
Belonging has a way of sending us into a tail-spin that no other sense or effect on who we are has than anything I’ve been thinking about lately. I’ve often wondered about that. Why its bark is equal in all parts to its bite. Why, it [belonging] has
Tags: age, analysis, antipodeans, author, bark, Belongings, blog, blog writer, boundaries, calm, capacity, Central hawkes Bay, comfort, comicStyle, completely, day, developmental, different, dynamic, effect, equal, establish, garden, hammock, Happy Days, Hastings New Zealand, Hawke's Bay, ideal, important, internal, Jason Frazer, kiwi, kiwiStyle, know, leave, life, lifeStyle, loneliness, maori, mindStyle, New Zealand, new zealanders, observation, overall, parts, pasifka, peers, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, place, point, polynesian, pontifications, reality, reflections, restful, rings, scheme, sense, shaped, solid, spread wings, summer, thinking, thoughts, trees, turnStyle, tweak,, value, views, Waipukurau, where mindStyle matters, wonder, wondered, writer, writing, writings
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