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“Ginger Meggs is the longest-running Australian comic strip; it features the escapades of the title character, a red-haired pre-pubescent boy with considerable talent for
To my way of thinking, traditions/rituals define an important social component of our lives that I think is fast becoming lost in the Western world and I find that sad actually. I feel they’ve been shelved because of the adverse attention that’s been
Tags: actions, activities, basis, Bigger than Ben Hur, blog, celebrate, Central hawkes Bay, ceremony, coffee, colourful, component, context, correctness, create, croissant, drift, Eat, enjoy, fasting, habits, hang out, Hawke's Bay, historical, important, involuntary, Jason Frazer, Lent, lifeStyle, lives, lovely, merits, mind, mindStyle, mindStyle matters, natural, New Zealand, pancake day, papers, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, person, play, political, regualr, respect, response, right, rituals, role, sad, sanitation, Shrove Tuesday, simple, social, surprises, think, thinking, together, traditions, turnStyle,, walk, way, weekend, western world
My soul feels sluggish lately, like it’s carrying extra weight around that has slowed it’s progress. It’s frustrating and peeving at the same time! It’s like being in charge of something that has both a life and mind of its own but you’re still expected to keep charge of it!
Tags: air, attitude, Birds of a Feather, blog, cause, Central hawkes Bay, charge, control, delay, designed, effect, energy, extra, feel good, hands, Hawke's Bay, immediate, inclination, Jason Frazer, life, lifeStyle, mind, mindStyle, mindStyle matters, New Zealand, panadol, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, person, progress, sand, sense, sluggish, soul, time, turnStyle,, weight
I observed a strange behaviour in myself but it’s one I suspect that’s not all that uncommon if the truth be known. I went to the Doctor and despite the condition that warranted my visit you would have thought I had ‘A’ Reserve tickets at Covent Garden.
Tags: A reserve tickets, blog, cancer, Central hawkes Bay, condition, Covent Garden, doctor, dog, eye, friends, grips, Happy Days, Hawke's Bay, Jason Frazer, life, lifeStyle, lovely, million dollars, mindStyle, mindStyle matters, New Zealand, pains, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, remission, trust, turnStyle,, visit
I love a good belly-laugh, its so liberating, so decadently nourishing for the soul that I prescribe it be eaten by the bowlsful. I had a neighbour that had the most deliciously genuine belly-laugh that is totally infectious. It’s true, it’s totally catchable.
Tags: belly laugh, blog, Central hawkes Bay, deep, delicious, emanates, Glycemic Index, grip, Hawke's Bay, heart, Jason Frazer, Jelly Belly, lifeStyle, love, mindStyle, mindStyle matters, New Zealand, nourishing, nutritionist, penneylane, penneylaneonline,, return ticket, socks, soles, soul, train, turnStyle,
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