Nora Gaunt and Ryan Mitchell: Investing in Experience
ABOUT TEDx TEDx was created in the spirit of TED’s mission, ‘ideas worth spreading’. The programme is designed to give communities, organisations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local level. ABOUT Nora Gaunt and Ryan Mitchell “Nora Gaunt and Ryan Mitchell both have degrees in Anthropology. Together they have […]
Leslie Morgan Steiner: Why Domestic Violence Victims Don’t Leave
Leslie Morgan Steiner was in ‘crazy love’, that is, madly in love with a man who routinely abused her and threatened her life. She tells the dark story of her relationship, correcting misconceptions many people hold about victims of domestic violence, and explaining how we can all help break the silence.
Andrew Jaspan: A New Way to do Journalism
When you have an entire career working at Senior levels in the mainstream media and your industry is facing a change-or-die choice, what do you do? Andrew Jaspan founded ‘The Conversation’, a web-based Journalism venture that turns Australia’s Universities into a giant newsroom, with the best and brightest writing in real-time on breaking news and […]
Lucian Newman III, MD: The Joy of Doing What People Say you Can’t
It’s so easy to define what can be done by what has been done before. But what if we decided that what had been done before was the least we could do? Dr. Lucian Newman describes first hand his experiences of pushing the limits with one arm — and a lot of willpower — and […]
Dr Ryan Ellis: A Letter Home: The Relevance of the Postal Service in the Info Age
Dr. Ryan Ellis draws on his research and personal experience to offer a reminder of why old technologies often remain vitally important. Though it is easy to become enamoured with the latest advances of new media, Dr. Ellis describes the continuing relevance of the postal system in an era of rapid technological change.
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