Saturday, February 22, 2025

May 5, 2011 by  
Filed under mindStyle

“They believe for a day when everyone in the world can take a safe drink of water. It’s easy to take for granted ready access to a safe supply of drinking water. Yet nearly one billion people lack this most basic resource. They believe that creating accessible, safe water supplies in developing countries frees people […]

Sheryl WuDunn: Our century’s greatest injustice

January 3, 2011 by  
Filed under VidStyle

Sheryl WuDunn’s book “Half the Sky” investigates the oppression of women globally. Her stories shock. Only when women in developing countries have equal access to education and economic opportunity will we be using all our human resources.

Women for Women

November 25, 2010 by  
Filed under mindStyle

“Around the world, women face some of the greatest obstacles YET also represent tremendous opportunity for lasting social and economic development. As a result of war and conflict, women and girls often lose everything that ever mattered to them, including their sense of self. Their voices are silenced. And even if they were to speak, […]


September 25, 2010 by  
Filed under mindStyle

“Is a mentoring programme offering comprehensive support for HIV-positive pregnant women and new mothers. Mentor mother Monoang Mohakala said, “in short, we see in them our input and they are HEROES in our lives.” Preventing the transmission of HIV from a mother to a child is a straightforward medical procedure. Its simplest application, a single […]

High on a Hill

November 17, 2008 by  
Filed under Main Blog

Listening to the tributes about my great grandmother Moewaka Jane Rapana (or Nama as she was affectionately called) it wasn’t hard to imagine her walking between us all standing there. It seemed fitting that she would rest on the high hill overlooking her beloved

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