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My network card is giving me grief and the modem is tiffing with the laptop, streuth! Over the back fence fighting. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Wasn’t it Dylan Thomas that wrote, ” …breathe deep the gathering gloom.”
Tags: adulthood, balance, best, better, bigger, breathe deep the gathering gloom, common, daily, Dylan Thomas, experienced, faithfully, fence, fighting, good work, goodness, grief, hard yards, honest, house, human decency, human life, inflame, it matters, laptop, lives, looking, modem, network card, news, open wounds, pain, penneylaneonline, power, question, sad, safe, scheme of things, scratching, service, small things, stomach, surface, thoughts, truism, understand, unfaithfully, universal, Wanna Serve Somebody, war
Some books draw us back to them because some truths need more time for us to sit with them. To have us weigh and consider more carefully those things they feel need further thinking on by us. When I first read Marianne Fredriksson’s “Hanna’s Daughters” 18 months ago I was inexplicably moved. The story could […]
Tags: beautiful, bigness, books, Chapter, complex, consider, darkly, desperation, dragged under, draw, drowns, emotion, everywoman, exile, experience, fabric, fear, feel, fighting, flawed, free, friend, gaze, good, hand, Hanna's Daughters, harbour, kills, lifetime, live, loneliness, lonely, love, Marianne Fredriksson, mercy, mirror, moved, occasions, ocean rip, overwhelmed, page, penneylaneonline, person, reasons, rhyme, safer, significant, signpost, skimmed, someone, spat, stop, strength, Strength for us both, swallowed up, terror, thinking, tidal wave, today, total, truths, unleashed, way back, weigh, woven