Antipodean Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
“An innovative Parkinson’s disease-fighting drug invented at Otago University and developed by NZ pharmaceutical firm Antipodean Biotechnology is a prime example of the kind of novel science Otago Innovation wants to translate into products that significantly benefit health and society. Dubbed ‘MitoQ’, the compound was invented by top Medicinal Chemist Professor Robin Smith and former […]
Boys And Cars
On Farm Road when I was growing up you were one of two types of car people. A Holden person or a Ford person. I’m a Ford girl. How does a girl get to be more Ford than Holden? In my case, it was more by
Avoidance Behaviour
I avoid sarcasm like the plague. Some people do it so often they never realise just how awful they sound. Personally, I believe its a
Ties that Bind
Respect is an interesting mask of being. Why mask? Well because sometimes I have a suspicion that there are some among us that parade their respect for all and sundry to see but
Only Make Believe
Make-believe is a golden place, a space where dreams begin. It’s where the childhood rainbow begins and ends and everything that comes after it has the handprints of it as a reminder.