Colour Me Beautiful
Have you ever noticed, how when you lie in a deckchair outside in the open air, eyes closed, how much more your whole body seems to absorb the sounds and smells of your surrounds than if you were to consciously set out to inspect those things more closely with your eyes wide open?
Growing Pains
Do you ever wonder what the benefits of growing intellectually would be to you as a person? It seems to me that we pay so much more attention to what someone else is saying about us and we’ve tended to amass tomes of information about a great many things yet,
A Red Balloon
Gratitude is like a red balloon that’s been let go of and begun drifting ever upward into the stratosphere. Least that’s how it ought to be. To me, gratitude is akin to a beautiful bouquet of balloons, multi-coloured and sent with
I love being on a boat on days like this. There’s a slight on-shore wind and the sea is sparkling like a Cerrone diamond necklace at an Opening Night Premiere. Makes a girl feel like the belle of the ball and a million bucks to boot.
Black Dog Tale
Of all the emotions, sadness has to be the one that seems to leave us winded, gasping for breath and feeling like we got king-hit. Sometimes it comes to us from out of nowhere and at other times it’s like an