Saturday, March 1, 2025

Good Food Guides

November 18, 2008 by  
Filed under Main Blog

Gathering for our last meal together in the whare kai, nothing managed to savage my tastebuds more than the errant tendrils of the cooked hangi smells now wafting from the kitchen into the small dining room. It had been 17 years since I last ate hangi on home soil and now

Green Prepay Petrol Monsters

October 31, 2008 by  
Filed under Main Blog

Our first real stop toward the North was near Wairakei whereupon I met the green prepay petrol monsters that are BP Service stations (we were to meet a number of them along the way). You know I have this thing about customer service right, well this was so awful, why

Talking the Talk

October 21, 2008 by  
Filed under Main Blog

Talk is a process, you didn’t know that? It is, just as life is a process. Interesting right? It should be because developing and using the many facets of talk add new dimensions and give depth to our lives. Infact for talk to be effective it ought be flexible so that it’s ‘usable’ in any […]

Lanza Tech

October 1, 2008 by  
Filed under kiwiStyle

LanzaTech has developed a technology to allow high volume industrial waste streams to become a resource for bio-ethanol production. This technology has been developed and demonstrated in our purpose built laboratory.

Locus Research

October 1, 2008 by  
Filed under kiwiStyle

Locus Research™ is a company that creates insight through a unique research driven approach to product development. Their process is holistic and incorporates

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