Wednesday, February 19, 2025

If the Shoe Fits Wear It

October 11, 2008 by  
Filed under Main Blog

The thing about taking a good long hard look at your life is that it can make a person feel regretful or want to compare their life with someone else’s. Now, there might be some merit in that (if

Smoke Get in your Eyes

July 26, 2008 by  
Filed under Main Blog

Have you ever sat so close to a fire that smoke’s got in your eyes? It stings and your eyes water profusely. And yet, we can love the warmth of the fire more than

Outside the Square

June 9, 2008 by  
Filed under Main Blog

Respectability is an odd creature. Especially because of the lengths we might go to capture it. We have a moth-like fascination with it, get caught in the headlights of its high beam and lose our bearings altogether. Strange that fascination isn’t it!

Wanna Serve Somebody

June 6, 2008 by  
Filed under Main Blog

My network card is giving me grief and the modem is tiffing with the laptop, streuth! Over the back fence fighting. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Wasn’t it Dylan Thomas that wrote, ” …breathe deep the gathering gloom.”


June 3, 2008 by  
Filed under Main Blog

Charity they say begins at home. But how do we understand charity? Most people believe that charity is something we give others, what we do to others and in this day and age it also seems to be what’s left over. It’s the small change.

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